Manushoye works as a help exchange platform. To avail it you need to register and login first with your valid mobile number and password.
To get help, you have to write your story or needs by clicking on the "I need help" button on the home page or create post button on Post page.
You can request for a maximum of 5 hours of help in this way. If you need more time of help, you can get it by helping others and increasing the hour point in your account first.
To help others, please visit the Post page or visit the Map to see who require help from your neighbouring area. Next, click the send help request button of the post that you find appropriate for offering help to the requesting person. is a platform connecting help-seeking people with individual help providers by maintaining help seeker's privacy & dignity strictly. Here anyone can ask for any kinds of help as long as It's legal with a very easy procedure; at the same time, anyone at ease can find and provide assistance to help seeker from any locality he wants to. Throughout the process manushoye wouldn’t charge a single penny; means it completely free to use.